Thursday, July 24, 2014

EQ History - 2011

At the close of 2011, the Elders Quorum presidency consisted of Pace Barker as President, Ryan Peterson as first counselor, Daniel Harbuck as second counselor, and Matt Kantorski as secretary. During the year, the Elders Quorum leadership had changed as Joe Brubaker was called to serve as a counselor in the bishopric and Sterling Fillmore moved out of the ward with the birth of their third child.

Outgoing President Joe Brubaker

Outgoing 1st Counselor Sterling Fillmore, right
The Elders Quorum was blessed to have various members join its ranks through baptism.  One Nepalese member, Suman Sangroula even received the Aaronic priesthood and was able to baptise a fellow Nepalese sister, Babita Ranjitkar, just a few months after his baptism.  What's more, Suman received the Aaronic priesthood from another Nepalese convert, Yogendra Paneru.

Toward the end of 2011 the Elders Quorum presidency made a change in the format for home teaching reporting by opting to "go digital" through the use of an email-friendly Google form which feeds responses into a secure Google doc before it's uploaded (manually) to the Church's reporting system, MLS. We have already seen significant improvement in both the breadth (number of responses) and depth (thoroughness of comments) of home teaching reporting and we are optimistic that we will be able to attend to all of the needs of the quorum with thorough home teaching as our primary resource.

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