Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ultimate Frisbee (5/7/14)

Can it still be considered 'ultimate' when it's just a 2-on-2 frisbee game involving halftime donuts: YES.

The poor turnout (out of 50 or so invites) was really just a function of poor marketing & communication--an unfortunate hallmark of many elders quorums in the Church.  Had I not inadvertently marked the event on the evite calendar as May 24th (instead of May 17th) and had I not sent out the correction email at midnight on the eve of battle, there's no telling what kind of turnout we might have had.

As it was, we still had a great time.  The weather couldn't have been much better, and the donut: elder ratio  was indeed favorable.  Also, the field presented us with some nice bonuses to make things more interesting: a roughly 4-foot wide puddle on the visiting side's 10-yard line from the rainfall the night before, and an elevated manhole on the home team's 20-yard line.  We deemed that the puddle, if inadvertently trodden upon, would result in an immediate point for the team with the mud-bespattered player; no small consideration in a game where the first team to gain 4 points wins.

Based on a very arbitrary heads/tails frisbee toss we split the teams into James and Matt ("JM") vs. Alfredo and Pace ("AP").  Both teams came out ferociously, gunning for the endzones and running Brady/Moss-style wide-receiver routes most every play, with a very low success rate it must be noted.  This caused both teams to tire very quickly and reconsider their strategies.  JM started running a lot of short-pass, Wes-Welker routes, often making passes of less than 2 feet in distance, while AP continued to try for the long bombs.  JM managed to win the first game (with the help of a Matt puddle splash) and then we all broke for donuts and whole milk.

Refueled and re-invigorated, AP came out guns blazing and things started to click for their long bomb strategy.  They won the next 2 games, and with enough collective panting between us all we decided to call it a day.

Game Notes
  • The obscure ruling that any team with a player that vomited any of the halftime donuts during the 2nd half of play would be awarded a point did not factor in.  
Postgame Tricks (2 frisbees at once)

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